Expected outcomes
- Problem statement - project brief
- Research report
- Concept sketches
- Prototype
- Validation
- Presentation
- Team project - team work (80 %)
- Self Assessment and individual work (20 %)
- What did I learn in respect to my learning goal
- What did I bring to the team
Grade | Points | Expected effort/outcome quality |
A | 90 a více | Extra effort or initiative with the project solution |
B | 80-89 | Project was completed in full [baseline] |
C | 70-79 | Project completed with minor issues |
D | 60-69 | Project is missing entire outcome |
E | 50-59 | Multiple outcomes are missing |
F | méně než 50 | You didn’t give a damn about the project |
Hodnocení se řídí Studijním a zkušebním řádem ČVUT, který najdete na stránce s vnitřními předpisy ČVUT.