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  • OpenSource tool for generating GCode
  • More at project web


screenshot 2016 03 21 11.16.54


  • Plater - For layout of objects on printing area
  • Print Settings - All settings of print, speed, infill, support, etc.
  • Filament Settings - Specific settings to material. Temperatures, diameter of wire, cooling
  • Printer Settings - Specific settings for printer. Diameter of nozzle, size of printing area, etc.

​Note.: Since we are the experts and we will work in Expert mode 8-)

Printer Settings

  • General
    • Settings the size of the printer
    • Type of firmware
    • Number of extruders
  • Custom G-code
    • Custom definition of start and end of gcode file
  • Extruder X
    • Nozzle diameter
    • Offset (in case of more nozzles)
    • Rectraction
      • Elimination of pressure in nozzle

Filament Settings

  • Filament
    • Diameter of plastic wire
    • Temperatures
  • Cooling
    • Cooling of objects to prevent overheating/deformation

Print Settings

Layers and Perimeters

Layer height

Ideal layer height is around 0.2 mm

Source: http://arduinoblog11.blogspot.cz/2012_04_01_archive.html


How strong will “shell” of object will be

very slightly over stuck down print


More about infill on webpage of program

linear 2pc 25pc 50pc with scale
rectilinear line
concentric and archimedial fill
hilbert octag


Possibility to set the speed of specific parts of the object.


Peripheral line object around the object.

screen shot 2013 10 16 at 21.50.13

Is possible to set number of lines and height. Why we want to set the height?

Support Material


More at webpage of program


  • Arrange of objects on printing area

old older, but interesting three part article slic3r is nicer 1, 2, 3,