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Final Thesis


  1. You can browse the offered topics in the system ProjectsFIT.
  2. If you’re interested in a topic, contact the author of the topic oout of the system (via e-mail, Teams, etc.).
  3. In the system, the supervisor creates new assignment and assigns you to it.
  4. The supervisor submits the assignment for approval.
  5. Specialization officer approves the assignment.
  6. You approve the assignment.
  7. The thesis is assigned.

The assignment is always assigned to a specific study. Therefore, if the student finishes the study to which the assignment is linked and starts a new study, the assignment must be listed again and assigned to the student’s current active study.

Assignments can be created by academic staff and PhD students of FIT as internal assignors, or by external assignors (see below). The students can design their own topic, but they must secure assignor by themselves.

Final thesis topic

  • When formulating a final thesis assignment (FTA), attention should be paid to the title and instructions. How such instructions should look is described in the Dean’s Directive for FT and SFE.
  • After approval, the assignor becomes the supervisor of the FT and the student can enroll in BIE-BAP/MIE-DIP/NIE-DIP.
  • The approved FTA becomes the official document "Assignment of final thesis" (see below).

Supervisor of final thesis

The supervisor of the final thesis must have achieved an education at least one level higher than the level of education in the study programme. This means that the bachelor’s thesis can be supervised by Ing./Mgr. and higher, the diploma thesis can be supervised by Ph.D. and higher. Exceptions may be approved by the Scientific Council. Students of doctoral studies at CTU FIT will be granted an exemption before the beginning of the academic year.

To grant an exception to a supervisor who does not have a Ph.D., it is necessary to send the SFE officer his/her CV with an addition to the specialization in which he/she should supervise the work. The clerk submits the CV to the Scientific Board, which then gives its opinion. It should be taken into account that this is not an instant process – the Scientific Council meets irregularly.

External Supervisor of final thesis

The final thesis may also be supervised by an external supervisor. A person outside the FIT academic community who wants to become an external submitter of the final thesis for the first time applies for this role through the FIT portal. The role must be applied for directly by the external contracting authority, it cannot be assigned if the form is filled in by the student. In the approval process, this person may be asked to complete the data. The external contracting authority must have at least a master’s degree for supervising a bachelor’s thesis and a doctoral degree for supervising a diploma thesis (or it must have an exception, see the previous paragraph). After approval, the applicant obtains access data to the ProjectsFIT web application and becomes an external contracting authority. External and internal contracting authorities continue to proceed in the same way.

A supervisor who has no employment relationship with CTU is appointed at the same time as a second supervisor who is in an employment relationship with CTU – it is the head of the department, who may authorize another person. This second leader is not mentioned anywhere. It is a kind of insurance against the student being left without guidance in the event that If the supervisor is from FIT, the reviewer can be external. Same rules and procedure apply as for an external supervisor, therefore he/she must have at least a master’s degree and must register through FIT portal accessible here. Reviewer’s report must be submitted through the final theses system ProjectsFIT.

External Reviewer of final thesis

If the supervisor is from FIT, the work can be opposed by an external worker. The external reviewer must have at least a master’s degree and the same procedure applies to them as to the external supervisor, they must also register via the FIT portal.

Both the external supervisor and the external reviewer prepare their reviews in ProjectsFIT. The prepared report, downloaded in pdf, must then be uploaded to the KOS web application. The external opponent will be granted one-time access to KOS as soon as the student’s submitted thesis is accepted by the supervisor. ''''


The FTA is an obligatory part of the thesis. Student will download it from the ProjectsFIT system according to the manual. Students guarantee that the FTA in the system and in their thesis is the same.

Validity of an Final Thesis Assignment

An FTA validity is limited for three following semesters. In exceptional, reasonable cases, the student can ask for prolongation at the office of study.

Change of an Final Thesis Assignment

The supervisor can initiate an FTA change request. This request has to be approved by the specialization officer (SO). Currently, the process is following: Supervisor sends the changes to the SO via e-mail, with officer for the SFE in the copy. When the SO approves the change, officer for the SFE can change it in the system.

Annulment of an Final Thesis Assignment

  • If the student wants to change the topic and therefore cancel their current FTA they have to fill in a request and send it to the officer for SFE.
  • Annulment of an FTA is not a reason for the cancellation of BIE-BAP.21/NIE-DIP registration.


Obligatory parts of an FT

  • Final thesis assignment (signed by the dean and the head of department).
  • Abstract and keywords in both English and Czech language.
  • Signed statement declaring that the FT is based upon the student’s independent work and that the sources and references are properly cited and listed – versions of a statement in pdf and docx.
  • Solution to the given problem.
  • Conclusion discussing the reached results.
  • List of references.
  • Table of contents including a list of Appendices.

Extent of the Final Thesis

  • Recommended extent for a bachelor thesis is 30-100 of standard pages (excluding table of contents, footnotes, appendices).
  • Recommended extent for a master thesis is 50-150 of standard pages (excluding table of contents, footnotes, appendices).

Formal requirements

  • Use of symbols, definitions prior to their use, inclusion of a table of contents, a list of figures, a list of tables, and a list of used symbols, and – if relevant – an index, properly used references to printed or other sources, standard bibliographic list of reference.
  • The LaTeX and TeX templates are available (and recommended) to support the typesetting process.


The deadline for submitting the final thesis is governed by the schedule of the given FIT academic year, the deadlines are set in the KOS system and after this date it is no longer possible to submit the thesis. The thesis itself must be submitted, as well as attachments.

  1. Export the FTA and insert it to your thesis.
  2. Submit the thesis to KOS, including attachments. If for some reason it was not possible to submit all attachments to the application, it is necessary to provide them to the supervisor and opponent in order for the thesis to be graded..
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Work Uploading:

  1. Fill in the required fields (abstracts, keywords).
  2. Upload PDF with work text.
  3. Upload attachments. The attachment can be a link (e.g. to a repository with source code on GitLab – don’t forget to publish this repository) or a file in .zip format.


  1. You can save attributes and submitted work continuously using the Edit button.
  2. If you are done with the thesis and want to submit it for the final reports, use the Submit final thesis button.
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After submitting the thesis, the thesis is approved by the supervisor in KOS. Approval of the work changes its status to Accepted. If the supervisor does not approve the work, the work will return to the Assigned status. The student has the option to re-upload the files, edit the captions, and submit the work again if it is not past the deadline.

Final theses including reviews are available at DSpace CTU link: DSpace.

The supervisor and reviewer fill in the evaluation/report no later than 5 days before the defense and hand in the signed evaluation/report with the FT copy at the defense department.

The student is obliged to make one working physical copy of the FT (in any binding), which is identical in content to the electronic version of the FT submitted, and bring it to the defence (if the FT was submitted including printed books, they will be prepared at the FT and they do not have to carry another copy). This copy will be returned to the student (the school will no longer archive the copies).

The LaTeX FIT thesis template is able to typeset the text in a version for electronic reading and printing.

  • The electronic version is designed to be read on a computer. The text is not divided into right and left pages, as all pages are equally indented on both sides. The text is, therefore, designed to be read by scrolling. In the final thesis template, the typesetting of the electronic version is set by the oneside parameter sent to the documentclass command in the main template file.
  • The print version is intended for printing and reading in book form. The text is divided into right and left pages, which differ in (mostly) indentation so that the text is not too close to the spine (bidning). Send the text to the printer in this version. In the ZP template, the typesetting of the printed version is set by the twoside parameter sent to the documentclass command in the main template file.

The assessment for submitted work

After acceptance of the work, the supervisor will award credit for the subject BI-BAP.21/NI-DIP will be automatically awarded. If the credit is not recorded, inform the SFE officer.

Possibility of the alternative date of FT submission

If the student doesn’t manage to submit his/her Final Thesis before the deadline for serious reasons, he/she follows The Study and Examination Rules. The student hands over to the Office of Study (before the deadline):

  1. A written apology with the reason why he/she cannot submit the FT before the standard deadline,
  2. A request to set an alternative deadline, with a comment from the supervisor and the head of department that assigned the FT on a form “…​”

At the first registration of BIE-BAP.21/NIE-DIP, an alternative deadline for submission will be granted only in exceptional cases because the student can register the course again.


After the student submits the thesis, the supervisor approves the thesis in KOS. Approval of the work changes its status to Accepted. If the supervisor doesn’t approve the work, the work reverts back to the Assigned status. The student has the option to re-upload the files, edit the captions, and submit the work again if it is not past the deadline.

The thesis must be accepted by the supervisor within 5 calendar days of the deadline for submission.

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After the supervisor accepts the thesis, he will give credit to the student. On the (same) page Detail of the final thesis, the subject for awarding credit for the final thesis will be displayed, where the supervisor will award the credit!

After accepting the thesis, it is necessary to prepare a report of the supervisor and the opponent. The supervisor and the opponent prepare the report in the ProjectsFIT portal, from where they download the completed report in PDF format and upload it to KOS. A one-time access to KOS will be generated for external reviewers to upload. Reviews must be submitted to KOS no later than 5 working days before the defence.


The defence of the Final Thesis is a part of State Final Exam (Bachelor thesis 15 minutes, Diploma thesis 20 minutes) and is composed of the following steps:

  1. A presentation of the background and the results of the Final Thesis using a data projector. The student prepares a presentation in electronic form (PDF) on a suitable medium (USB disc is recommended, or CD or DVD discs) or in justified cases on his/her own laptop (that has to be announced in advance to the Officer for SFE). The presentation is limited to 7 minutes for a BT and 12 minutes for a DT.
  2. Presentation of the essential parts of the supervisor’s evaluation and the reviewer’s report an announcement of the grades proposed by the supervisor and the reviewer.
  3. The student answers questions raised by the reviewer and the supervisor if there are any.
  4. A discussion on the Final Thesis and its presentation in which the student answers questions and comments of the members of the committee and/or guests.

Classification of the defence

  1. The defence is classified by State Final Exam board, taking into account the classification proposal of the supervisor’s evaluation and reviewer’s report.
  2. Copy of the FT returns back to the student, the original stays at FIT (it is archived for 10 years).

Failed defence

In the case a student fails to defend his/her FT, the dean decides whether the student should write a new FT:

  1. with the same FTA and the same supervisor, or
  2. with the same FTA and a different supervisor, or
  3. with a different FTA and the same supervisor, or
  4. with a different FTA and a different supervisor.