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Computer Science

topics are valid since SFE in June 2024

BI-TI.21-1Chomsky hierarchy of formal languages and grammars. Turing machines, universal Turing machine, recursive-enumerable and recursive languages. The P, NP, and NP-complete classes of problems.BIE-AAG.21
BIE-TI.21-2Transformations of context free grammars and their normal forms. The CYK algorithm.BIE-AAG.21
BIE-TI.21-3Implementation of finite automata, lexical analyzer.BIE-AAG.21 + BIE-PJP.21
BIE-TI.21-4Higher connectivity of graphs, vertex, edge connectivity, and their relations, Menger’s theorem. Bridges, strongly connected components of an oriented graph, and searching for them. Network flows, relationship between flow size and cut capacity, Ford-Fulkerson’s algorithm. Matching, searching for a maximum matching in a bipartite graph, Hall’s theorem and its corollaries.BIE-AG2.21
BIE-TI.21-5Planar graphs, Euler’s formula and its corollaries, Kuratowski’s theorem. Chromatic number of a graph, chromatic number of planar graphs. Convex hull of points in plane, determination of angle orientation. The sweep-line technique and fast calculation of intersections of line segments.BIE-AG2.21
BIE-TI.21-6Fibonacci heaps and amortized and worst-case complexity of their operations. (a, b)-trees.BIE-AG2.21
BIE-TI.21-7Eulerian tour, characterization of Eulerian graphs, minimum coverage by trails. Hamiltonian cycle, Chvátal’s closure, Bondy-Chvátal’s theorem. Traveling Salesperson Problem, approximation algorithms.BIE-AG2.21
BIE-TI.21-8Instrukční cyklus počítače a zřetězené zpracování instrukcí. Mikroarchitektura skalárního procesoru se zřetězeným zpracováním instrukcí, datové a řídicí hazardy při zřetězeném zpracování instrukcí a způsoby jejich ošetření.BIE-APS.21
BIE-TI.21-9Paměťová hierarchie se skrytou pamětí (cache memory), principy lokality a fungování skryté paměti. Architektura přímé, částečně asociativní, plně asociativní skryté paměti.BIE-APS.21
BIE-TI.21-10HW podpora virtualizace hlavní paměti stránkováním, funkce MMU (Memory Management Unit) a překlad virtuálníchch adres na fyzické adres pomocí TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer), ošetření výpadku stránky.BIE-APS.21
BIE-TI.21-11Binary relations, their properties and representations. Equivalences and partitions. Partial and total orders.BIE-DML.21
BIE-TI.21-12Lineární zobrazení: definice a vlastnosti (hodnost, jádro, defekt, injektivita, surjektivita), matice lineárního zobrazení.BIE-LA2.21
BIE-TI.21-13Skalární součin a norma vektoru: definice, vlastnosti a příklady.BIE-LA2.21
BIE-TI.21-14Ortogonalita a ortogonální báze: definice, vlastnosti, využití při počítání vzdáleností lineárních variet.BIE-LA2.21
BIE-TI.21-15LU rozklad matic, řešení soustavy lineárních rovnic pomocí LU rozkladu.BIE-LA2.21
BIE-TI.21-16Logical consequence and equivalence in propositional and predicate logic. Disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms. Resolution method. Semantic tree method.BIE-LOG.21
BIE-TI.21-17Theory, model, logical consequence. Axiomatic system of logic. Correctness, completeness, indisputability. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.BIE-LOG.21
BIE-TI.21-18OOP polymorphismus – subtyping, generics, bounds a variance.BIE-OOP.21
BIE-TI.21-19Top-down parser, formalisms for its specification – context free grammars, pushdown automata, relationships between them. LL(1) grammars, transformations of grammars. Implementation of LL(1) parser.BIE-PJP.21
BIE-TI.21-20Formalisms for syntax-directed translation – translation grammars, attribute grammars, attribute translation grammars. LL-attributed translation grammars, implementation by recursive-descent functions with parameters.BIE-PJP.21
BIE-TI.21-21Intermediate representation of programs, abstract syntax tree, translation of basic constructs of programming languages.BIE-PJP.21
BIE-TI.21-22Memory allocation when implementing programming languages: static parts, stack, heap. Activation records, function call implementation mechanism.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-TI.21-23Functional programming, higher-order functions, Lisp: S-expressions, cons cells, functions, recursion, mapping functionals.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-TI.21-24Logic programming, Prolog: facts, rules, queries, evaluation of queries, unification, cut operator.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-TI.21-25Heuristic state space search, heuristics for path cost estimation, greedy search, algorithm A*.BIE-ZUM.21

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