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Software Engineering

topics are valid since SFE in June 2024

BIE-SI.21-13 layers of data abstraction in databases (conceptual, implementational, physical). Structures for storying data in relational databases for fast access (basic structures, special structures, indexes, etc.).BIE-DBS.21
BIE-SI.21-2Transformation of a conceptural scheme (in ER or in another notation) into a relational scheme.BIE-DBS.21
BIE-SI.21-3Normalization of a relational scheme and normal forms (1., 2., 3., BCNF).BIE-DBS.21
BIE-SI.21-4Advanced query principles in SQL: aggregations, outer join, nested queries, general quantifier.BIE-DBS.21
BIE-SI.21-5Tools to support software product development: bug tracking and task management (tools used, typical task/bug lifecycle), source code management and sharing (principles of collaborative solutions, main benefits, tools used).BIE-IDO.21
BIE-SI.21-6Software quality assurance: test typologies, black vs. white box, test automation, static code analysis, code review, application vulnerabilities.BIE-IDO.21
BIE-SI.21-7Continuous integration, application build tools, pipeline definition, release management, semantic versioning, application deployment, environment management, benefits of containerization and tools used.BIE-IDO.21
BIE-SI.21-8Conceptual modeling, it’s meaning, basic concepts and ways of real-world modeling. OntoUML and its constructs, transformation into object model.BIE-KOM.21
BIE-SI.21-9Specification of constraints in models, language OCL.BIE-KOM.21
BIE-SI.21-10Process modelling, BPMN notation. Key concepts of enterprise engineering and DEMO method.BIE-KOM.21
BIE-SI.21-11Conceptualization using Semantic Web technologies (RDF & OWL).BIE-KOM.21
BIE-SI.21-12OOP abstraction and class hierarchy - packages, classes, fields, methods, constructors, traits, equivalence and identity, superclass, subclass, inheritance, static and dynamic dispatch.BIE-OOP.21
BIE-SI.21-13OOP polymorphism - subtyping, generics, bounds and variance.BIE-OOP.21
BIE-SI.21-14Rozdělení paměti při implementaci programovacích jazyků: statické části, zásobník, halda. Aktivační záznamy, mechanismus implementace volání funkcí.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-SI.21-15Funkcionální programování, funkce vyšších řádů, Lisp: atomy, seznamy, funkce, cons buňky, rekurze, mapovací funkcionály.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-SI.21-16Logické programování, Prolog: fakta, pravidla, dotazy, způsob vyhodnocení dotazů, unifikace, operátor řezu.BIE-PPA.21
BIE-SI.21-17Business process modeling (UML activity diagram), analytical domain model (UML class diagram, UML state diagram), requirements analysis and management (goals, categorization, UML use case diagram, use case scenarios).BIE-SWI.21
BIE-SI.21-18Patterns used during design: three-layer architecture, Model View Controller, GoF patterns (Abstract Factory, State, Adapter), GRASP patterns (Low Coherence, High Coherence), description of object collaboration (UML sequence diagram, UML class diagram).BIE-SWI.21
BIE-SI.21-19Classical and agile software development methodologies (basic principles, suitability of use, problems solved). Basic description of Unified Process (UP) and SCRUM methodologies.BIE-SWI.21
BIE-SI.21-20Design, object paradigm, basic design rules (SRP, LSP, DRY), refactoring (symptoms and selected techniques).BIE-SWI.21
BIE-SI.21-21Using Jakarta Persistence together with Spring Data JPA for data persistence. Entity classes and mapping of relationships and database objects: class structure, annotation. Role and functionality of Spring Data repositories.BIE-TJV.21
BIE-SI.21-22RESTful web services: principles of the REST architectural pattern, relation to HTTP syntax and semantics.BIE-TJV.21
BIE-SI.21-23Framework Spring Boot. Properties, components, configuration.BIE-TJV.21
BIE-SI.21-24Syntax and semantics of the HTTP protocol with a focus on service communication. Protocol parts and their meaning. Syntax of the JSON format.BIE-TJV.21

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