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Software Engineering

topics are valid since SFE in June 2020

BIE-WSI-SI-1Information security, security architecture in the OSI model.BIE-BEZ
BIE-WSI-SI-2Transformation of conceptural scheme (in ER or in another notation) into realtional scheme.BIE-DBS
BIE-WSI-SI-3Normalization of relational scheme and normal forms (1., 2., 3., BCNF).BIE-DBS
BIE-WSI-SI-4Advanced query principles in SQL: aggregations, outer join, nested queries, general quantifier.BIE-DBS
BIE-WSI-SI-5Conceptual modeling, it’s meaning, basic concepts and ways of real-world modeling.BIE-KOM
BIE-WSI-SI-6OntoUML and its constructs, transformation into object model.BIE-KOM
BIE-WSI-SI-7Key concepts of enterprise engineering and DEMO method.BIE-KOM
BIE-WSI-SI-8OOP abstraction and class hierarchy - packages, classes, fields, methods, constructors, traits, equivalence and identity, superclass, subclass, inheritance, static and dynamic dispatch.BIE-OOP
BIE-WSI-SI-9OOP polymorphism - subtyping, generics, bounds and variance.BIE-OOP
BIE-WSI-SI-10OOP error handling and reflection - signalling exceptional state, execeptions, stack trace, total functions, design by contract, object model and dynamic code invocation.BIE-OOP
BIE-WSI-SI-11Principles of file systems (FAT, NTFS, UFS, ZFS), their implementation and properties.BIE-OSY
BIE-WSI-SI-12Template functions and classes in C ++, STL library, iterator comparator.BIE-PA2
BIE-WSI-SI-13Memory allocation when implementing programming languages: static part, stack, heap. Activation records, the mechanism for implementing function calls.BIE-PPA
BIE-WSI-SI-14Lambda calculus: definition of terms, operations, representation of numbers.BIE-PPA
BIE-WSI-SI-15Functional programming, higher-order functions, Lisp: atoms, lists, functions, cons cells, recursion, mapping functionals.BIE-PPA
BIE-WSI-SI-16Logic programming, Prolog: facts, rules, queries, method of query evaluation, unification, cut operator.BIE-PPA
BIE-WSI-SI-17IPv4 addressing, address allocation. Differences between IPv4 and IPv6, protocol TCP.BIE-PSI
BIE-WSI-SI-18Analysis and requirements management (aims, categorization, UML use case diagram, use case scenarios, UML activity diagram).BIE-SI1.2
BIE-WSI-SI-19Design patterns: three-layer architecture, Model View Controller, GoF patterns (Abstract factory, State, Adaptor).BIE-SI1.2
BIE-WSI-SI-20Classes responsibility assignment in design, GRASP patterns (Low coupling, High cohesion), description of object cooperation (UML sequence diagram, UML class diagram – usage during the design stage).BIE-SI1.2
BIE-WSI-SI-21Classical and agile methodologies (basic principles, suitability). Basic descriptions of Unified Process (UP), Extreme programming, and SCRUM methodologies.BIE-SI1.2
BIE-WSI-SI-22Software quality assurance: determination of software quality, software testing typology, and attributes, black box vs. white box testing, acceptance tests, regression tests, automatization of testingBIE-SI2.3
BIE-WSI-SI-23Software process: standards, plan-driven vs. agile model, relation between software process, participant and organization.BIE-SI2.3
BIE-WSI-SI-24Project management: the SDLC model, long-term vs. short-term planning, project history, software measurement and metrics, risks management, estimations and verifications.BIE-SI2.3
BIE-WSI-SI-25Configuration management: version control systems, change management, continuous integration, deployment and delivery automatization.BIE-SI2.3
BIE-WSI-SI-26Maintenance: the life-cycle of software, the role and importance of maintenance, the link to SDLC and individual software engineering activities, the service contract, the role of measurement (labor, cost, and other metrics) in maintenance.BIE-SI2.3
BIE-WSI-SI-27Enterprise Application Architecture. Description of individual layers of JEE applications: client layer, web layer, business logic layer, EIS layer.BIE-TJV
BIE-WSI-SI-28Loose coupling between classes. Inversion of control, dependency injection.BIE-TJV
BIE-WSI-SI-29Object–relational mapping. Comparison of object and relational models of data. Associations (1:1, 1:N, M:N) in both object and relational models.BIE-TJV
BIE-WSI-SI-30HTTP protocol syntax: methods DELETE, GET, POST, PUT. Use of these methods in web services (SOAP, REST). How do web services, HTTP protocol and client–server architecture relate?BIE-TJV

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