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Software Engineering

topics are valid since SFE in June 2024

NIE-SI-1Basic principles of object-oriented design (DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SRP, OCP, LSP, ISP, DIP).NIE-ADP
NIE-SI-2Creational design patterns (Factories, Builder, Prototype, Singleton).NIE-ADP
NIE-SI-3Structural design patterns (Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Proxy).NIE-ADP
NIE-SI-4Behavioral design patterns (Chain of Responsibility, Command, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy, Template method, Visitor).NIE-ADP
NIE-SI-5Architectural patterns (Layered, Broker, MVC, Pipe and Filter, Client-Server, Peer-to-Peer, Publish-subscribe, Map-reduce, Autonomic, Heterogeneous)NIE-ADP
NIE-SI-6Specification of program correctness, writing specifications in predicate logic, axiomatic modeling of data structuresNIE-FME
NIE-SI-7Correctness proofs of programs: assertions, verification conditions, loop invariants, termination proofsNIE-FME
NIE-SI-8Automation of proofs of program correctness: principles, possibilities, limitationsNIE-FME
NIE-SI-9System architecture, service and its characteristics. REST (characteristics, resource, comparision with SOAP). HTTP protocol optimization (latency, keep-alive, pipelining)NIE-AM1
NIE-SI-10Integration design patterns, synchronous and asynchronous communication, blocking and non-blocking I/O.NIE-AM1
NIE-SI-11Theoretical foundations of evolvable software systems: principles and laws, system stability, normalized systems, combinatorial effect, the topic of modularity. History of evolvable software system approaches.NIE-NSS
NIE-SI-12Ensuring software evolvability using NSS: principles, design patterns, architecture, code generation. Other application domains of NSS other than software systems domain.NIE-NSS
NIE-SI-13Human sensory systems: sensory buffers, short-term memory, long-term memory, memory capacities, human eye description,yellow spot, what is a complementary colorNIE-NUR
NIE-SI-14UI design process: UI Design steps, WireFrames term, goal oriented design, HI-FI prototype, LO-FI prototypeNIE-NUR
NIE-SI-15Usability, usability testing: explain the term “Usability”,“Usability testing”, what is “Qualitative Usability Testing”, Heuristic evaluation description, Cognitive walkthrough description, UI Lab description,NIE-NUR
NIE-SI-16Evaluation and optimization of SQL: execution plans, cost-based optimization, database objects statistics, access methods and their cost, join evaluation methods and their cost.NIE-PDB
NIE-SI-17Database models: relational, object-relational, document, XML, column, key-value, graph; their specifics, suitable application domains. Query languages: SQL, XQuery, CYPHER; their typical constructions and limitations.NIE-PDB
NIE-SI-18CAP theorem and NoSQL databases. Classification of NoSQL databases from point of view of CAP, examples of particular databases and their architecture; horizontal vs. vertical scaling, replication, sharding. Concepts BASE vs. ACID.NIE-PDB
NIE-SI-19OLTP vs. OLAP databases. Complex benchmarks (TPC-C, TPC-E, TPC-H): principle, metrics.NIE-PDB
NIE-SI-20Architectures of information systems - distributed systems in client-server architecture and centralized systems in three-tier architecture with light client, usage of Cloud computing.NIE-PIS
NIE-SI-21Managing input and output data of information systems - consolidation, normalization, aggregation. Management information systems (key performance indicators).NIE-PIS

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