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Design and Programming of Embedded Systems

topics are valid since SFE in February 2025

NIE-NPVS-1Hardware and software implementation of operations over finite fields GF(p) and GF(2^m). Addition, multiplication, inversion, squaring.NIE-BVS
NIE-NPVS-2Methods of implementation of exponentiation. Efficient implementation of RSA.NIE-BVS
NIE-NPVS-3Brute-force attack. Attacks using TMTO (time-memory trade-off) tables. Side channel attacks.NIE-BVS
NIE-NPVS-4Correction or multiple error detection codes, BCH and RS codes, product of codes, and extended codes.NIE-BKO
NIE-NPVS-5Codes for correcting or detecting bursts of errors, especially interleaved codes and Meggitt’s decoder.NIE-BKO
NIE-NPVS-6Timing in synchronous systems, clock domains, clock domain crossing.NIE-EHW
NIE-NPVS-7Resources in programmable devices, their use.NIE-EHW
NIE-NPVS-8Electronic System Level, models used in that level of abstraction.NIE-EHW
NIE-NPVS-9Basic concepts and simulation principles, characteristics of levels of abstraction (logic level, RTL, TLM). Basic concepts of transactions.NIE-SIM
NIE-NPVS-10Verilog simulation language: characteristics of sequential and parallel environments, use of variables and nets, delays and assignment types, resolution functions, process synchronization, non-deterministic behavior.NIE-SIM
NIE-NPVS-11Functional verification: basic concepts, structure of the verification environment, use of transactions, features of the SystemVerilog language and the UVM library used to design verification programs.NIE-SIM
NIE-NPVS-12Embedded software development: specifics, reliable software development, debugging and testing. Optimization at the source code, compiler, and linker level. Impact of optimization on embedded software functionality. Code optimization for low power consumption.NIE-ESW
NIE-NPVS-13Digital signal processing, fast Fourier transform, Z-transform, Z-transform of simple signals, finite and infinite impulse response filters, first and second derivative filters, filter transfer function, impulse response, and filter implementation on different platforms.NIE-ESW
NIE-NPVS-14Artificial intelligence in embedded systems, basic concepts: artificial neurons, activation functions, gradient learning. Deep neural networks, layers, implementation frameworks, and platforms. Synthesis of neural networks into programmable hardware.NIE-ESW
NIE-NPVS-15Signals, systems, and their properties, automata as representations of systems, continuous and discrete systemsNIE-TES
NIE-NPVS-16Composition of systems and automata, synchronous reactive modelsNIE-TES
NIE-NPVS-17Classification of system verification methods (testing, bounded model checking, unbounded model checking).NIE-TES
NIE-NPVS-18Boolean satisfiability: algorithms and their usage in bounded model checkingNIE-TES
NIE-NPVS-19Automatic Test Patterns Generation (ATPG) algorithms for combinational and sequential circuits. Fault simulation, test compaction. Test compression.NIE-TSP
NIE-NPVS-20Design for Testability (DFT). Scan-chain. Built-in Self-Test mechanisms, pseudo-random testing, test response analysis.NIE-TSP
NIE-NPVS-21Reliability parameters, their meaning, calculation. Improving the reliability, fault-tolerant systems. On-line testing. Reliability Block Diagrams (RBDs), Fault Trees, Markov models. Reliability standards.NIE-TSP

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