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Computer Science

topics are valid since SFE in June 2020

BIE-BIT-1User identity in Unix systems (identity, administrator rights, sudo, su, PAM modules, roles, privileges, identity and access rights, ACLs, suid programs).BIE-ADU.1
BIE-BIT-2Disk and file system management (devices, UFS (EXT) and ZFS file systems, RAID, disk quotas), network file systems (NFS, CIFS), swap in Unix OS.BIE-ADU.1
BIE-BIT-3System processes and services in Unix systems (hierarchies and interrelationships, limits, system power on and off, system services, logging).BIE-ADU.1
BIE-BIT-4Unix OS kernel (characteristics, administrator options with respect to the kernel, virtualization).BIE-ADU.1
BIE-BIT-5Basic principles of MS Windows, administration (system mechanisms, scripting basics, working with processes, basic administration tools).BIE-ADW.1
BIE-BIT-6MS Windows - file systems, network services and security (common file systems and their management / comparison, implementation of network and security services, system security tools).BIE-ADW.1
BIE-BIT-7MS Windows centralized administration (Active Directory and advanced methods of its administration - user administration, GP).BIE-ADW.1
BIE-BIT-8Computer instruction cycle and instruction pipelining. Microarchitecture of a scalar processor with instruction pipelining, control of instruction flow between stages, data, control and structural hazards in instruction processing and methods to prevent them.BIE-APS.1
BIE-BIT-9Memory hierarchy with cache memory and memory locality principles. Architecture of direct-mapped, set associative, and fully associative cache memory. Functionality of cache memory within the instruction cycle and the impact of cache memory on program execution performance.BIE-APS.1
BIE-BIT-10Virtualization of main memory by paging and its HW support. Memory Management Unit (MMU) and virtual-to-physical address translation using Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB).BIE-APS.1
BIE-BIT-11Principles of protocols for memory coherence of data cache memories of a multi-core or multi-processor system with a shared memory bus. Instructions for synchronizing shared memory accesses.BIE-APS.1
BIE-BIT-12Superscalar processor microarchitecture, instruction-level parallelism, out-of-order execution, speculative instruction processing, register renaming, static and dynamic branch prediction, and techniques for speeding up the execution of load/store instructions.BIE-APS.1
BIE-BIT-13Main security principles. Risk modelling, STRIDE and DREAD methodologies.BIE-BEK
BIE-BIT-14Buffer overflow, its types. Defensive methods and techniques to overcome them.BIE-BEK
BIE-BIT-15Access control, access layers. Running a program with the least privileges.BIE-BEK
BIE-BIT-16Database security. SQL Injection attacks and defenses against them.BIE-BEK
BIE-BIT-17Web application security. Denial of Service attacks and defenses against them.BIE-BEK
BIE-BIT-18Pseudorandom number generators (PRNG). Primality tests (Fermat test, Rabin-Miller test).BIE-BEZ
BIE-BIT-19Information security, security architecture in the OSI model.BIE-BEZ
BIE-BIT-20Information theory (entropy, unicity distance).BIE-BEZ
BIE-BIT-21Types of side channels, SPA attack on RSA.BIE-HWB
BIE-BIT-22Contact and contactless smart cards, principle of operation and use.BIE-HWB
BIE-BIT-23Design of trusted HW - physically unclonable functions (PUF).BIE-HWB
BIE-BIT-24True random number generators (TRNG)BIE-BEZ+BIE-HWB
BIE-BIT-25Linear mapping and matrix of linear mapping: definition and fundamental properties (matrix of composed/inverse mapping, relation between rank of the mapping and rank of its matrix), transition matrix (change of basis).BIE-LIN
BIE-BIT-26Data storages: HDDs (geometry, access scheduling algorithms, comparison with SSDs), RAID arrays (RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 1+0, RAID 5) and their properties.BIE-OSY
BIE-BIT-27Principles, implementation and properties of classical file systems (data layout on disks, file/directory implementation, implementation in OS). Principles of modern file systems based on B-trees and B+-trees.BIE-OSY
BIE-BIT-28TCP protocol: session initiation and termination, transmission security.BIE-PSI
BIE-BIT-29IPv4 addressing, segmentation of the IPv4 address space. Differences between IPv4 and IPv6.BIE-PSI

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